Monday, March 5, 2012

''Patul lui Procust'' by Camil Petrescu

Camil Petrescu (1894-1957) was a writer of great spiritual connotations, manifested in many areas of literary creation: poetry, prose, drama, essay.
Joined lovinescian modernism of the time, Camil Petrescu was oriented both in novel and in theater, to a high and serious themes: love, war, death, absolute destiny. Camilpetrescian character is an intellectual elite, a man who "saw ideas", a seeker of the absolute.
"Procrustean bed" (1933) is the best novel by Camil Petrescu and one of the most original creations of the Romanian modern prose.
No doubt, the epic scale of construction, the existence of several plans and narrative complexity of the characters, the work that discussing is a novel.
Assignment of the modern Romanian construction category can be explained by:
Absolute novelty of the formulation composition, narrative perspective is sequential.
Subjective time, "action" not having a wire chronology, various moments of life characters are reconstructed memories, opinions of other characters and footnotes.
A "parallel mirrors", each of the actors are seen differently by those who knew him.
Psychological acuity analysis.
The theme of the novel is human drama education, meant to be incompatible with the world, love and luck. Each of the three characters that represent higher man (T., Ladima and Fred Doe) is a misfit who can not fit in "bed procustian" of love or of society.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Mara by Ioan Slavici

Slavici's prose outlined a fresco of morals and behavior of specific people in Transylvania, a world where good triumphs and truth, honor and justice, the ethical rules one must follow. Slavici, being an author, moralist, a fine psychologist and creator of psychologists, applied in his fundamental notion of humanity and moral virtues such as honesty, dignity, good faith, honor and love of truth. The whole creation of Glory is a plea for moral balance, for counsel and wisdom, happiness through the love of people and keeping the measure at all, and any deviation from these principles is severely punished by the author.
"Mara" is the most successful novel Slavici and one of the best Romanian novels. The novel, published in 1906, is the most valuable creation epic expanse, the best novel of our, before Ion "the epoch of the appearance, Mara had to mean an event, and today, looking back, this novel appears as a big step in the history of genius "(G. Calinescu - history of Romanian Literature from origins to the present).
It truthfully portrays a world with its specific mores placed at the crossroads village with the city, in a Transylvanian village, Radna Lipova and close near Arad, action book being placed at the end of the nineteenth century and early twentieth century.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012



Saturday, February 11, 2012

Mihail Sadoveanu, biography (1880 - 1961)

Sadoveanu (born November 5, 1880, Pascani - d October 19, 1961, Bucharest) was a writer, storyteller, novelist, novelist, scholar and Romanian politician. It is considered one of the most important Romanian writers of the first half of the twentieth century. His work can be grouped into several phases corresponding to the dominant literary trends or directions in one time: a first step semanatorist, the beginning of the first attempts, novels and stories, a second mythical-symbolic of the interwar period (reflected in novels such as The Golden Bough or Persian Divan and the last phase corresponding to socialist realism, in agreement with the socialist-communist ideology that Sadoveanu joins.

His parents were Sadoveanu lawyer Alexander Sadoveanu of Oltenia and Profira Ursache, yeomen girl. Follow gymnasium "Alecu Alecsander Donici" in Falticeni. While studying at the Gymnasium in 1897, intends to form, together with a colleague, a monograph on Stefan cel Mare, giving up, however, the lack of historical sources. Then comes the National Science High School and studied law at Bucharest. Fuck magazine debuts in Bucharest in 1897. In 1898 the sheet begins to work with Gala New life Galaction, ND Baking, etc. Arghezi Tudor signed with his name and the pseudonym MS Cobuz.

Is established in Bucharest, in 1904, married, and had eleven children. In the same year occurs suddenly start publishing four volumes - Stories, stifled pain, aiding Santa tavern, Falcons - the Sadoveanu show special predilection for history. Nicolae Iorga be called 1904 "the year Sadoveanu".

In 1910 he was appointed director of the National Theatre in Iasi. Volumes published this year Evening Stories (Minerva Publishing House), Genevieve of Brabant, brochure How can we get rid of needs and how to acquire land, etc. Collaborates Semanatorul magazine, but will feel spiritually close to the magazine that appeared in Iasi, Romanian life.

In 1919 edit with Tudor Arghezi in Iasi, Notes literary magazine. In December, the magazine announces its termination Issue: Romanian life and starts his work for culture and use. We of the Literary Notes, her current back into our modest means. In Iasi magazine publishing short stories published volumes and pamphlets Shadows Creanga memory, and the Star House, volume vigils. Becomes a member of the Romanian Academy in 1921.
In 1926 the Romanian Writers' Society is with Alan Rebreanu, the Congress of Berlin.

Hanu Ancutei published in 1928, belonging to the period of maturity of the writer, is a volume of nine stories, an ideal lyrical epic genre.
On the death of Garabet Ibraileanu, Sadoveanu words will elicit praise from critic personality Romanian Life magazine.

After 1947, his writing turns to the new communist ideology, publishing works related current Soviet Socialist Realism, the famous novel Mitrea Cocor or book reports the USSR Light comes from the East. As a reward for this orientation, becomes President of the Presidium of the Grand National Assembly, political position occupied by a maximum during the communist Romanian writer and enjoys all the privileges that flow from it.

Novel published in 1948 Păuna Minor, and a year later in 1949, Sadoveanu elected president of the writers. A few years later, in 1952 published historical novel Nicoară Horseshoe, masterpiece of the genre. Adventure volume published in 1954 in the Danube valley.

In 1955, the writer is given the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. Sadoveanu received Lenin Peace Prize in 1961.

Sadoveanu dies on October 19, 1961, and was buried beside Eminescu and Caragiale.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

About Mircea Eliade

born:   March 13, 1907 in Bucharest, Romania
died:   April 22, 1986
       Romanian-born historian of religion, fiction writer, and one of the pre-eminent interpreters of world religion in this century. Eliade was an intensely prolific author of fiction and non-fiction alike, publishing over 1,300 pieces over 60 years. He earned international fame with LE MYTHE DE L'ÉTERNAL RETOUR (1949, The Myth of the Eternal Return), an interpretation of religious symbols and imagery. Eliade was much interested in the world of the unconscious. The central theme in his novels was erotic love.

Review of the novel ''Nunta in cer'' written by Mircea Eliade

I really liked this book. It was, for me, simply another view, another perspective. And somehow (and this is strange) it gave me courage. The book is not necessarily optimistic, quite the opposite, but I found it great.
The subject is a forever interesting one, love, and what it means in some situations, equally for the man and for the woman. Eliade presents two exciting stories of these two men who are talking about their one true only love. In the end I couldn't decide what is more important, how it all finished and the consequences, or what it meant while it was still happening.

Review of the novel ''Cel mai iubit dintre pamanteni" written by Marin Preda

This is definitively among the best novels ever written in Romanian. Although many argue that Marin Preda is using realism techniques from 19th century, the novel is perfectly balanced. And it is about one of the most actual topics in contemporaneity: happiness through love in a turbulent world.
I really enjoyed reading it again since the last time I read, I was a teenager and this time I could understood more.

Review of the novel ''Padurea Spanzuratilor" written by Liviu Rebreanu

A very dramatic book with psychological implications having in the main part Bologa, and examining his conscioussness. He is kind of caught between two swords, having to fight against his own country, and always thinking about desertion and its implications....There's much to talk about it....

Review of the novel ''Maitreyi'' written by Mircea Eliade

I am definitely giving this book 5 stars. The style is soft, and yet sometimes cut-throat, just as we got used to find in Eliade's books. It is not classified as a tragedy, because the main character doesn't love, or sacrifice enough, for the love story to be called a tragedy.
He is an immutable egocentric, who from the beginning asks himself the question: "How can I be tied down into a marriage?! How can I lose my freedom??".
Thus, by the end of the book, even though one would think that he is in love with Maitreyi Devi, He leaves her, and tries to forget here as one would a lost cause.
Their love was never so great as to overcome the obstacles of themselves.

Review of the novel ''Baltagul" written by Mihail Sadoveanu

'Baltagul' is a book that, to my great surprise, has stuck with me for the past many years.
This is a fascinating detective book that sets itself apart easily from the normal classic Romanian literature. A central theme is still the need of the peasant for wealth, but it is woven into a whole new style of narrative, less common.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Review of the novel ''Romanul adolescentului miop'' written by Mircea Eliade

       A book that is more than a simple novel about a confused teenager. A book that has to do with a person's struggle to a superior being, not that kind of superior person that dominates the others, but more like a concession you make with yourself. Young Eliade does himself a favour giving up a few things for his own good. He sees as the only way to be an upper person the path of suffering, renouncing to many things and loved people at the same time, just to reach that state of spiritualism where perfection lies. I wonder if he thought about it as being something platonic, ideal, that will never be touched, seen, felt and at the same time continuing the search !? Maybe he did, and not felt disappointed, but instead more convinced that it is the right thing that one can do in life.

Lots of feelings, emotions, impressions that I do not know how to put into words are found in this book. It has a philosophical background but it is also answering a number of question that every teenager asks himself. Maybe not everything that is there applies today, for times have changed, but still, it is a point of reference in the novels aimed to teenagers.

About Ioan Luca Caragiale

       Ion Luca Caragiale was a Wallachian-born Romanian playwright, short story writer, poet, theater manager, political commentator and journalist. Leaving behind an important cultural legacy, he is considered one of the greatest playwrights in Romanian language and literature, as well as one of its most important writers and a leading representative of local humor. Alongside Mihai Eminescu, Ioan Slavici and Ion Creanga, he is seen as one of the main representatives of Junimea, an influential literary society with which he nonetheless parted during the second half of his life.

Review of the novel "Enigma Otiliei" written by George Călinescu

       Besides the detailed descriptions and other significant techniques used by the author, this book has a great value by its entire message. After you finish it, you just start to think which is the real mistery of Otilia. When a girls tells a boy that she loves him, she offers herself to him and then leaves him for another, it is a real mistery to a man. The real mistery is of any woman and her meaningless actions in the man's eyes.

Review of the novel "Moromeţii" written by Marin Preda

         The story of a family in the country side on the Danube Plains, in the village Silistea-Gumesti, which is slowly falling apart throughout the course of a quarter of a century.

        The first volume depicts the village just a few years before the 2nd World War, in the summer of 1937, where the inhabitants find themselves in a delusional state of social stability, where even time itself was patient with everybody.

        Drama doesn’t find its home in this village during these time, not does rebellions occur, although the every day living is far from being comfortable.

        Despite all this, the clever and talkative hero of the book, Moromete, who is also a leader of the village, finds toward the end of volume 1 that time seems to be more and more impatient with him after a shocking experience, which changes his psychological profile and makes him become unspoken.

        Using this smarts he manages to recover his financial situation. He buys back the land he had sold previously, but now this is becoming a hurdle for him.
The attempt to reconcile with his sons - gone from the village in the meantime - is not successful.
His drama unfolds in all its glory.